Old Durban Pics
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- View of Kingsmead, beach front, and Point areas in late 1990's
- Market at the North Beach Amphitheatre in early 2000's
- Durban's aquarium and dolphinarium - eShakaland 2005
- Durban's aquarium and dolphinarium - eShakaland 2005
- North Beach, 2009
- View of town building, Esplanade and yatch club in 2000's
- Looking at Grosvenor Court, Elangeni and Maharani Hotels from North Beach at sunset in 1990's
- Umhlanga Rocks from air
- Dolphins, Shark's Board, beach front
- Spices at the Indian Market
- Name changes in 2009
- Umgeni River floods, 1987
- The Golden Mile 1980s - Malibu Hotel near West St and aquarium
- Bay of Plenty, North Beach and Newtons on the right
- Widening South Beach from dredged sand
- Little Top on South Beach
- Addington Beach looking towards South Beach, late 1970's
- Addington Beach
- Dairy Beach in the 80s
- Dairy Beach in the 90s
- Dairy beach, New Year 2010
- Paddling Pools #1, New Year 2010
- Paddling Pools #2, New Year 2010
- late 1970s (with cable car)
- Fun Fare on the Marine Parade next to Snake Park
- Test pattern during TV trial in 1977
- South Beach during the holidays
- Vaalers on South Beach in summer with Bluff in background and Addington Hospital on right
- 'Little Top' on South Beach
- Large winter surf behind the 'Fun-fare' on the Marine Parade in the 1970's
- Golden Mile beaches: Snake Park, Bay of Plenty, North Beach, Dair Beach and West St piers in 1970's
- Sunken Gardens and Newton's Amusment Park at lower left
- West St Pier and South Beach to the left, early `1970's
- North Beach in the late 70's
- View of Durban from above the harbor enterance in lates 1960's
- Addington Hospital in the 1960s
- Addington Hospital in the 1960s
- Aerial view of City and Harbour in the early 1970's, Maydon Wharf sugar terminal in background
- Esplanade
- Seine netters at Vetchies beach
- Durban Station Mar 1980
- Looking at the signal tower on the Bluff with T-Jetty in the foreground
- Cuban Hat take-away on North Beach
- Sunken Garden with Bay of Plenty and North Beach behind 1950-1960's
- Durban's beaches from above the Bluff
- City Hall on left, main Post Office on right
- Paddling Pool in front of the Edward Hotel in 1960's
- Queen Elizabeth arriving in Durban Harbour
- Castle Liner leaving Durban, 1960's
- Whale slip-way on the South Pier. Whales were taken on a flat bed rail truck around the Bluff to the Whale Refinerary Factory.
- Isipingo River Mouth
- Durbans South Beach, 1950s
- Canoe rental on lower Marine Parade in the 1950's
- Beach front near baths
- Dairy Beach on Lower Marine Parade, 1950's
- North Beach. First pier is Dairy Beach
- Large surf at Dairy Beach
- Dunbar Castle docked at the Point Durban with sailings to Southhampton
- In the early 1950's. Yacht Basin is in the foreground and the Esplanade lined with palm tress
- Center of town
- Looking down West St. Post office on the left, Twon Hall on the right and beach front in the background
- West St in 1950's. Note trams line in road and overhead trolley bus wires
- Bus near Mitchel Park
- West St and Point Rd
- North Beach near the public baths
- Looking up Gardner St from Dick King's statue on the Esplanade
- Durban Main Post Office & Town Garden 1950
- Durban's Main Post Office & Town Clock Post office in West Street facing the town gardens and Cenatoph. Looks like late 1940's early 1950's
- Dick King on the Esplanade. He rode on horseback from Durban to Grahamstown in the
Cape Province to get support when the Old Fort was under siege.
- Lawn bowling near the end of West St where Cineland was built
- Tram in 1940-1950
- Durban Town Hall
- Durban Town Hall
- View of Bluff and the harbor from the Cuthbert's building
- West Street Christmas Eve 1898, See Cuthbert's store on left side of street
- Esplanade
- Esplanade
- Pine St
- West St Pier
- Looking at the Point Rd docks from above the Bluff
- West St
- Swimming bath at North Beach
- Cave Rock on the Bluff